Friday, April 20, 2012

Underride "Distorted Nation" Review

Underride "Distorted Nation" Review
*Please like Music Unchained on Facebook*

(before we get to review, I would like to personally thank Underride for allowing me o do this and taking the time to respond to my email. Great guys!)

Almost 2 weeks ago I went to a concert in Charlotte, now leading up to that show I had really only known about 2 of the bands and didn’t know much about the other 3. However when leaving the show, one of those 3 really left an impact and that was Underride. After that I knew I needed to hear more from them and thankfully managed to get my hands on their album “Distorted Nation”

Now first things first, this album is pure ROCK music. No screaming, no death growls, none of that stuff, which is what got me to like the album. Not many bands go out and just make a straight up rock album anymore. Hell these guys even got me to like a Lady Gaga song with their cover of “Paparazzi”. It’s catchy, heavy, and managed to stay on repeat for quite a while. The album has quite a few fist pumping songs as well that are lyrically impressive such as: “Another Way Out”, “Say Goodbye To Everything That's Gone”, “Porn Star”, and “Blinded By You”.

However almost all albums have a down side, and when I try to find one for Distorted Nation the only thing that comes to mind is that the album left me wanting MORE, I really enjoyed it that much with the sound of Rev’s voice and the way the rest of the band blends together. So basically this is a pretty damn good album, it makes me excited for what Underride will release next and has me expecting big things for the band and their future (as well as hopefully seeing them live again soon). So now to any rock fan, check this album out now! You will be pretty impressed and might even gain a new favorite band.

Score: 4.5/5
Release: April 10th, 2011
Standout Songs: “Another Way Out”, “Paparazzi”, “Love Is Like Dying”, and “Blinded By You”.
Underride links:

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