Monday, April 16, 2012

In Memory of Peter Steele

Last Saturday (4/14/12) was the 2 year anniversary of Peter Steele's death. I've been meaning to write something for it, but got caught up in stuff this weekend. Anyways, many of his fans had various ways of honoring his memory. Some had a small gathering at the tree in Prospect Park that was planted in his honor (with a bench coming soon), some went to Duff's and had a few drinks, and some, like me, had Type O Negative on repeat all day.

Now I myself never got the chance to see Type O live or meet Peter. But from all the interviews, fan photos, and concert footage, he seemed like an amazingly nice guy that loved his fans and was loved just as much by his fans. However, Peter seemed to be a somewhat tortured soul. His lyrics sometimes reflected this, which could be why so many were drawn to him. He wrote things we could all relate to. Things such as love, death, heartache, and depression. He didn't just go out aiming to make the most badass record at that time, he went out and just wrote how he was feeling at that point in time.

I believe that is why I fell in love with Type O Negative. Pete's voice and his haunting lyrics appealed so much to me, and still do. Not seeing the band or Pete is a pretty big regret of mine, however I always feel that in a way I am always honoring him when I post a song up online or if I manage to get someone interested in the band. Pete will always live on in the hearts of his many fans and I'm sure he would be honored to see how much we loved his music and honor his memory.

R.I.P Pete!

Hope whoever made this doesn't mind me stealing it from tumblr

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