Thursday, February 23, 2012

10 Questions With Sal Abruscato (A Pale Horse Named Death)

I recently had an amazing oppertunity to send some questions to Sal Abruscato, singer of A Pale Horse Named Death, for my first ever interview. I would first off like to thank him for taking the time to answer my questions. Anyone reading this should check this great band out & buy their debut album "And Hell Will Follow Me" :

Q: A Pale Horse Named Death recently got off a successful tour in Europe, how did that go for the band, and how is touring there different than doing a show in the United States or somewhere else?

S- At the moment the band seems to be a little bigger in Europe and affords us to Tour there easily. European crowd still believes in supporting good music and buying records not mp3's.

Q: Are there any plans for a tour in the United States now that the Hell Across Europe tour is done?

S- Trying to work on one, problem is affording to do it the right way. We have gotten offers but financially [it's] difficult in paying all the expenses. We are dying to tour in America and Canada and I hope it happens soon.

Q: Are there any bands in particular that you could possibly see the band tour with or would like to tour with?

S- Alice In Chains would be cool along with Marilyn Manson would be cool and of course Black Sabbath.

Q: There was word online that roughly 9 new APHND songs had been written, are there any plans to have the band enter the studio for a new record in the near future?

S- Yes we will begin at some point this year and have it done by end of the year.

Q: This April will be the 2 year anniversary of the late great Peter Steeles passing, and several fans online have wondered if a memorial show would happen. Are there any plans for such a show?

S- Not that I know of but it would be nice to do something.

Q: What are your thoughts on todays music scene? There arent many bands that sound like you guys here in the U.S. so you seem to stand out somewhat.

S- My thoughts are I don't listen to any of it and I don't like it. I just do what I like and am glad it stands out a bit.

Q: How would you say you have changed or evolved as a musician or song writer throughout the years?

S- Just have gotten better and much more mature with my song writing. I am always trying to do better and improve my ear for melody.

Q: Would you say the guys in the band close like brothers where they hangout even when there is nothing going on in the band, or would you say its more of a friendship inside the band?

S- We all enjoy hanging out and rehearse every week just to see each other and keep the flow between us. We all get along very well. But we do live far away from each other so just hanging out is difficult at times.

Q: What bands or performers would you say are some influences of the band and of yourself as a musician?

S- John Lennon, Peter Steele, Trent Reznor and Black Sabbath are big influences on me as a writer.

Q: Where do you see the band at in roughly 4 or 5 years?

S- Hopefully on top of our game and doing very, well thank you

*Side note: anyone looking for a new up & coming band should look up Atoxia

1 comment:

  1. Spoken like true musicians. It is hard to find a band/artist that wants to fix things the correct way. Most bands take the short cuts and the cheaper routes but in the end pay for the fact that they don't have a good quality. In the long run they end up re-making songs and spend even more money to re-make them. I wish America was more like Europe and valued buying albums more than mp3s. Mp3s in my opinion is what led everybody to claim they like a band because of one song. Its because when you buy an album you eventually listen to all the songs, as to where when they buy the individual song you listen to it only. Hope the band does well...they are awesome.
