Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Secret Empire "Storm Command" Review

Secret Empire "Storm Command" Review
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Many people may not know who Connor Ragan is. He’s an up and coming artist with a huge drive to make music. In fact, his older brother is in a pretty popular band you may have heard of called Hollywood Undead. Connor and his band Secret Empire have been working on their album Storm Command for several years now and have finally released it as of August 1st and even better, the album was free.

The album isn’t exactly a hard rock album, but it still manages to pack a punch. The music and lyrics are extremely heartfelt and meaningful. Each song has its own unique sound and none of them really feel like filler songs. The album sort of has a laid back mellow sound through most of it and a few songs sounding a little sad in my opinion. Not sure if that was the intention or not.

The producing and mixing of the album should be mentioned as well, because it’s actually pretty damn good. The album is clear and crisp sounding just as good (maybe even better) than many major releases from some bands around today. Which is no surprise when you find out that the man behind it was Shaun Lopez, who has worked with bands such as Deftones, Whitechapel, and Crosses (†††).

Last words:
Give this album a listen; you really have no excuse to not listen when it’s free. You might find yourself enjoying it just as much as I did.

Score: 5/5
Release: August 1st, 2012
Standout Songs: Plastic Wrist, Morning, The Loneliest Place, and Disappear.
Secret Empire links:

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