Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hollywood Undead New Masks + New Songs

Hollywood Undead have released 2 new songs up on youtube and itunes. View the songs below as well as the band's new masks they had made for their upcoming album Notes From The Underground.
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Dead Bite:

We Are:

New Masks:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Eighteen Visions Reunion

An Eighteen Visions reunion appears to be imminent. For years it had been rumored, but I always dismissed the idea. However I went to a concert and was told by a fellow musician and friend of the band that a reunion was planned but the reunion would not include bassist Mick Morris. When I was told I was excited and disappointed. Excited because myself and other fans had been waiting since 2007 for a reunion and disappointed because Mick would not be in the band.

I decided to keep the info to myself until it was officially announced. However just recently Mick Morris let the information out on twitter, with many fans backing him up about including him in the reunion. While this isn't exactly a 100% confirmation of the band getting back together, I did some digging and found what is supposed to be an official Twitter account for the band (https://twitter.com/18VOfficial)

**It is currently unknown if the account is real and if the rumors are true, but as soon as I am certain, I will post information.
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